Catappa Leaves
Catappa Leaves

20 Catappa Leaves

  • Dry Goods

Aquarium Co-op (In Store Only)-Tank Location

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Leaf sizes range from 4" to 7", typically.
  • Promotes Healing Naturally
  • Adds Tint to Water
  • Great for Bettas
  • Catappa leaves also known as Indian Almond Leaves come from the Terminalia catappa tree. They have chemical healing properties which may naturally help fight off mild bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections. Therefore, these leaves are great for many different types of livestock including bettas, shrimp, community fish and more. 

    In nature, Terminalia catappa leaves will fall into rivers and other bodies of water and will tint the water a rich brown 'tea' color as they break down. This is due to chemical compounds found within the leaves called tannins. For this reason, Catappa leaves are often used in blackwater setups to achieve deeper brown colored water and for leaf litter on the bottom.

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