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Aquarium Co-op (In Store Only)-Tank Location
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Two sizes options: 10 gram vial or 1 pouch of 100 grams of Brine Shrimp Eggs in a resealable pouch with a resealable lid. The 100 gram sized container is meant for hobby level aquarists. This would last you several months with only a few aquariums. The more brine shrimp you hatch and the more aquariums you have, the more you'll consume.
Live baby brine shrimp is the best food you can offer growing fry for most species of fish. This triggers the natural hunting instinct in fish and helps fish learn to eat. Virtually all baby fish thrive on baby brine shrimp. A Majority of community fish that are adults do as well. Tetras, Rasboras, Danios, Apistos, Rams, Angelfish, Livebearers and more will readily chase down every brine shrimp they can.
Excellent. Hatch rate is incredible.