Brine Shrimp Fish Food 32 oz

Brine Shrimp Fish Food 32 oz

  • Frozen Food

Hikari Frozen-Tank Location

$24.99 $24.99 /
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Hikari's 3 Step Sterilization process assures unequalled product quality. Free of parasites, harmful bacteria and foul odor, Bio-Pure frozen diets are another example of Hikari's product quality commitment. Packed in pure water and available in our no touch cube packs, Bio-Pure frozen foods provide maximum nutrition with minimum mess. Want the best for your fish? Feed them Hikari! These foods are Bio-Encapsulated with multi-vitamins to provide maximum nutrition for your fish. Hikari utilizes a process similar to gut loading that guarantees your pet will get the vitamins, not the water. Processed through our Mega-Power Freezer so the animals retain their natural color, shape and nutritional benefits. 

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